Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey I have a Blogger Blog!

Einstein+Blackboard.jpgWhile downloading and using Picasa for Mac by Google - I was humored to find I had a blogger blog just lying fallow and waiting faithfully for my attention.

So after posting the nice little picture of Little Dog sleeping in the Uhaul - I'm posting this via the email posting option.

If you had any idea how thoroughly ironic this is you'd buy me the next drink to tell you the story.

Little Dog Sleepy Travel

You know how a baby falls asleep in the car seat, gently rocking out into oblivion to the hum of the motor and the sway of the car.

Well, Little Dog is a snooze queen. When she's not asleep in her giant fleece co-pilot seat she likes to ride in my lap where she can see over the dash.

Being 12" tall is not easy.

This was taken in the front seat (there is no back seat) of a Uhaul 10' truck driving the shrapnel of my personal possessions from Spokane Washington to Salt Lake City on an adventure in January 2009.
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